What is Your Legacy?
It was the news that shook the world. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II passed away. Although we live in the United States of America, there is no denying that the news of the Queen’s passing surprised and left some sort of impression on all of us. An impression on everyone around the world.
Why is that? I believe it’s because of one word…Legacy.
What is a legacy? A legacy is something that is passed on. It is something you leave behind.
It could be monetary, real estate, assets, children, character, reputation, etc.
I’ve been thinking a lot about my legacy lately. What will I leave behind when I’m gone?
To my unborn children; what legacy will I leave them?
To my current friends and family; what legacy will I leave them?
Was I present enough? Was I aware enough? Did I show up enough? Did I love enough?
We tend to become very busy with the hustle and bustle of what we do as business owners and entrepreneurs. And I get it, we all pull 13, 14, 15, 16 hour days and we just don’t have enough bandwidth to take on any more commitments.
I start to think if I was there enough for my parents, brothers and sister, nieces and nephews, cousins, and friends. The only solace I have in all that we do is that we’re building this all for them and that one day it will pay off… so we must keep going.
Whatever the case may be. Whatever I haven’t done or will do. It’s time to think about what we’ll leave behind and start aligning our actions to that legacy. I’m still thinking about what I’ll leave behind.
My goal with today’s message is not to give you the answer to any question, but to get you to ask yourself the same questions I’ve been asking myself, and leave behind something better for our business associates and loved ones; whatever it may be.
Anyway… Long Live the King.