The Videos.
How Much Should You Spend on Ads? 3 Tips!
We are in a crazy time! Will you retreat or move forward? We encourage you to move your business forward during these times by utilizing Digital Advertising. But, how much should you spend on digital advertising? We cover that and more in this video!
1. $5 a day. Spend at least $5 a day on Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads to start off. Make sure to have your Facebook Pixel installed on your website to drive traffic and start testing your audience.
2. Discover your Customer Acquisition Cost to determine your ad spend.
3. Reinvest 7% – 15% of your revenue back into your marketing and digital advertising budget.
How to be More Creative | 4 Stages of Creativity
We all want to accomplish great things. Be it a business goal, fitness goal, to learn an instrument, sell more houses, construct a building, etc. All these great plans we have for ourselves came from a place of inspiration. However, to execute any plan, I believe you need some sort of creativity. When people think about creativity they automatically think about the fine arts, and this is not always the case. In order to renovate a house or help a family with life insurance, you need some sort of creative thinking to get the job done. So, no matter what you do for a living, check out these 4 stages of creativity. Utilize them to help you execute the greatest projects of your life!
How to Create a Content Marketing Plan in 4 Easy Steps!
Are you looking to promote your business or brand more on social media in 2020? We know that thinking of content creation and where to post what could be a bit of a headache. Today Nery Junior breaks down a four-step process to help make your social media content efforts a little bit easier. Are you ready to create a Social Media Marketing Content Plan for 2020? Then let’s go!
What is Branding?
Check it out! In this video, Nery Junior breaks down the meaning behind Branding. What is branding? Is it your logo? Is it your marketing and advertising? Is it your color schemes and fonts? What is branding to you?
The 4 Best Social Media Platforms to Advertise On!
Are you a business owner looking where to place your digital ads in 2020? Nery Junior breaks down the top 4 social media platforms to start your digital marketing journey!
What is Digital Marketing? Why is it important for your business?
Today we’re talking about Digital Marketing and why it’s important for every business owner to acknowledge it, understand it, and leverage it to help their business grow. Listen up!
How To…
How to Post to Instagram from your Computer ((2021))
Check it out! Here’s this week’s digital marketing tip on how to post directly to Instagram using Facebook’s Creator Studio.
How to Design an Animated GIF | Adobe Photoshop
In this video, Nery Junior showcases how to set up a simple animated GIF for your Email Newsletters using Adobe Photoshop. Whether you’re a small business or brand that sends out newsletters to your audience, spice things up a bit by providing a little motion to those graphics in your emails.

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