4 Reasons to Revisit your Website Design for 2022

by | Sep 15, 2021 | Newsletter, Why This Matters

4 Reasons to Revisit your Website Design for 2022! 💻📱🖥

We all have things, items, belongings that we might hold on to for way too long? Can we say “hoarder” much? Some of these items are way past their prime but are still “technically” functional. So why replace them, correct?

In the marketing world, websites are like those items we hold onto for too long. Even though these websites are outdated or could be performing better, we’re attached to them. Below are some reasons why it’s time to redesign!

1. Better User Experience (UX)

User experience (UX) is a newer discipline of design that’s become increasingly crucial in a website’s success. It deals with the emotional experience a visitor has when navigating through your website and how it aligns with their intentions.

2. Your Website is Non-functional 

Have you ever been to a site that was almost impossible to use? You wait forever for it to load only to be presented with broken links, outdated offers, and a layout that isn’t optimized for a modern-day browser?

Not only is it frustrating, but it also makes you less likely to view that website as being reputable.

Your website might not be at this level of broken, but areas of your site may be dated and in need of a tune-up. For example, maybe you haven’t optimized for the latest browsers, or you’re linking to old pages that no longer exist and were never properly redirected. These issues may seem small, but they play a significant role in the overall effectiveness of your website.

Neglecting this for too long can have a significant impact on your traffic and lead gen efforts.

3. Your Website isn’t Mobile-Friendly

This should be a no-brainer. Living in today’s multi-screen culture, you need to make your website satisfies this behavior. Plain and simple, if your website isn’t mobile-optimized, chances are you’ll miss out on valuable leads and even customers.

A study released by Salesforce found that “83% of mobile users say that a seamless experience across all devices is very important.” People want to be able to get the information when and where they need it and if your website can’t deliver it to them, they’ll look elsewhere.

4. Your Marketing Goals and Branding are Outdated

As your company grows and evolves it’s not uncommon for your sales and marketing goals to also evolve. Keeping your website aligned with those goals can be a tough task, but it’s an essential piece of digital marketing success.

Try reviewing your site quarterly to make sure it’s actually working towards your specific goals (i.e. increased traffic, leads, etc.). If not, it’s time to make some updates.

Similar to your marketing goals, your company’s branding needs to be consistent with your website.

If you’ve recently undergone a rebrand, you’ll want to update your site to reflect these changes.

When updating your site keep in mind a rebrand isn’t just about your logo or colors, it also includes the content and language used on your site.  You don’t want people to land on a page and think it doesn’t look or sound like it came from the same company.

Main takeaway…

A well-designed website is one of the most effective marketing tools you have at your disposal. Make the most of it by keeping it updated and easy to use. If you can relate to a few of these points it might be time to invest in a website redesign.

“Websites promote you 24/7: No employee will do that.”

– Paul Cookson

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